We are proud to announce that our Seerlinq project is successfully entering its next phase. After several years of research, technology development, and the successful completion of clinical trials, we officially introduced our solution to the media and the public last week.
✅ The story of Seerlinq, from the inception of the idea to its implementation, was presented to the attending journalists by Slovak doctor and scientist Allan Böhm, MD, MSc, PhD, MBA, FESC, FJSC, who is the visionary behind this groundbreaking solution for patients with severe chronic heart failure.
✅ Our Clinical Research Director Marta Kollárová shared more about the clinical trial process, experiences from clinical practice, and patient perspectives.
✅ Our first patient, who has been using Seerlinq for a year, shared his story and experience with the media, explaining how Seerlinq has helped improve his quality of life.
✅ He started using Seerlinq after two acute hospitalizations due to heart failure within one month. However, thanks to continuous professional monitoring and personalized treatment adjustments through the Seerlinq app, no similar incidents have occurred over the past year.
✅ We wish Mr. Kočiš many more years of quality life, and as team Seerlinq we happily declare we are ready to serve improving and saving more lives.
Are you from Slovakia and would like to be enrolled in the program?
More information and non-binding resgistration is available here in cooperation with our partner Premedix: https://premedixclinic.sk/bezplatna-kardiologicka-starostlivost-pre-pacientov-so-srdcovym-zlyhavanim