The Seerlinq service is a unique and simple solution for the patients with heart failure. All you need to manage your health from the comfort of your home is a smartphone, a blood pressure monitor, and the Seerlinq device. Our team of experts monitors your measured data, enabling us to detect any potential problems early, before your health condition worsens. This way, we can significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization and provide you with peace of mind in your daily life.
Monitoring of your
health condition
With the knowledge that you are under medical supervision, you can live your life with greater peace and assurance. If we detect a risk of deterioration in your health condition, our cardiologist will contact you immediately. This quick intervention reduces the risk of complications and the need for hospitalization due to worsening of heart failure.
Our service is designed to meet your individual needs and ensure you receive the best possible tailored health care. The measurements are safe, simple, and quick.
Our staff will gladly explain how to use the smartphone application and help you get acquainted with the measurement process. If you have any questions, our team is available to you so you can focus on your health.
After the registration, we will contact you for a brief phone consultation.
Our doctors will confirm that the program is suitable for you.
We will lend you the Seerlinq device for free and guide you through the entire process over the phone from the comfort of your home.
You will perform measurements regularly. All you need to do is measure yourself every other day with our device for 2 minutes while standing and 2 minutes while lying down.
The recorded data is monitored by our specialists, ensuring that your health condition is constantly under supervision. If the data indicate a deterioration in your condition, we will communicate with you and your doctor.
Based on regular monitoring, we adjust and optimize your treatment in collaboration with your cardiologist.
Our monitoring service has successfully prevented hospitalizations since its implementation. Read the stories of three of our patients:
“I am a patient who has already survived two heart attacks. That’s why I have been using the device with the SEERLINQ application for nearly a year to monitor my health.
I take measurements every morning. Using the device is straightforward, and it takes about 5 minutes. First, I measure my blood pressure, open the application on my mobile, and put on the pulse oximeter. It doesn’t get any easier than that! :) This way, I am under daily medical supervision.
If I felt the same way every day, it would probably be unnecessary. However, the opposite is true. Sometimes I feel better, sometimes worse. The remote assistance from doctors is much more pleasant for me than being in a hospital. It is likely that my consultation with the doctor and adjustment of my medication prevented hospitalization. I am very grateful to the doctors for that and plan to continue using this great method.”
“After two life-threatening episodes of pulmonary edema with no positive outlook, Dr. Böhm and Seerlinq intervened. Thanks to the individualized treatment plan, I regained my confidence, returned to a high quality of life, and even started working actively again. I firmly believe that if this system saved me, it can save millions more.”
“Prajem celému úžasnému tímu, ktorý poskytuje nám pacientom takúto unikátnu službu, veľa pevného zdravia, pohody a pokoja vo svete, aby ste mohli ďalej rozširovať počet spokojných pacientov. Ja som nesmierne vďačná pánu doktorovi Böhmovi, ktorý ma zapojil do tohto programu. Priniesol mi psychickú pohodu a pocit istoty, že nado mnou niekto bdie. Prejavuje sa to aj na mojich hodnotách tlaku. Ďakujem osudu, ktorý ma priviedol k tomuto fantastickému odborníkovi s veľkou dávkou empatie, trpezlivosti a jedinečným prístupom k riešeniu zdravotných problémov svojich pacientov. Ešte raz veľké ďakujem.”
Dr. Böhm studied medicine at Charles University in Prague and clinical research at the University of Oxford. He worked in the acute cardiology department at NÚSCH and currently teaches at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. In addition to clinical medicine, he is also involved in research in cardiovascular prevention, thrombosis, arrhythmias, and artificial intelligence, for which he has received several international awards. In 2015, he founded the biomedical organization Premedix Academy. In 2017, he was invited by the European Society of Cardiology to cofound the Digital Medicine Committee, leading to the emergence of the world's first seeds of precision medicine. Shortly thereafter, he brought this form of medicine to Slovakia, resulting in the establishment of Premedix Clinic. In 2020, Dr. Böhm was elected to the presidency of the European Society of Cardiology, becoming the very first Slovak and historically the youngest member of this largest cardiological society in the world.
Seerlinq je hrdé, že bolo uznané v súťaži Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE 2024, čo oslavuje našu inováciu v oblasti zdravotnej starostlivosti!
Stále pracujeme na našom výskume, aby sme zlepšili kvalitu našich technológií.
Seerlinq má medzinárodný dosah!
Prvý rok našich pacientov bez hospitalizácie !
After signing up for the program, the principle of how the service works is simple: as a client, you measure yourself every two days using the Seerlinq device. The recorded data is sent immediately to the Seerlinq database, where the Seerlinq system, in combination with a team of cardiology experts, monitors and analyzes it. If everything is fine, you continue measuring according to the schedule. If the recorded data indicate a deterioration in your health condition, our team will contact you immediately to assess the situation. If necessary, we will ensure timely examination by a doctor before any health complications arise.
You only need to measure every two days, 2 minutes while standing and 2 minutes while lying down.
As a patient, you can acquire and use the Seerlinq service for free. The one-time registration and complete integration into the program, including the mobile application and device rental, are also free of charge.
The Seerlinq service was developed to detect the worsening of heart failure early and to prevent hospitalization due to acute deterioration of the condition (known as decompensation) through timely intervention. It is a supportive tool that, along with the professional guidance of a doctor, can significantly improve your quality of life.
Yes. All you need is your smartphone and a simple Seerlinq device, which you will receive. You will be instructed on how to perform the measurement accurately, and you will also receive a manual which you can use at home. If anything doesn’t work in your home environment or you are unsure, you will have a phone number for our technical support.
The measurement is completely safe and essentially identical to measuring blood oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter. There are no known health or other risks associated with measuring the signal using the Seerlinq device. Telemedicine monitoring is non-invasive, painless, and safe. It allows your attending physician to monitor your health condition remotely in real-time.
To include a patient in the program, simply refer them to register at the website If you would like regular reports from the monitoring of your patient, please also contact us at +421 950 721 660 or via email at, and we will agree on a form of collaboration that suits you. We can offer our home monitoring service to all of your patients which are suitable for the heart failure monitoring. We would be very happy to discuss a long-term collaboration with you.
The Seerlinq service is primarily designed for patients diagnosed with “heart failure”. The monitoring might be beneficial for patients with other cardiovascular diseases, but in this case, the service is charged based on a consultation with a doctor.
Seerlinq is an innovative company focused on developing breakthrough technologies in the field of medicine, with an emphasis on the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases. The company was founded by cardiologist Allan Böhm, cardiac surgeon Branislav Bezák, and computer scientist Nikola Jajcay. The team consists of experts from among doctors, scientists, and developers who concentrate on precision medicine. This approach is predictive, personalized, and preventive—Seerlinq technologies can detect potential risks early and tailor diagnostic solutions for the specific needs of each patient. The goal of the company is to improve the quality of healthcare through innovative tools that support healthcare professionals in key decision-making steps. These technologies help effectively monitor and manage heart diseases, thereby improving health outcomes and enabling patients to lead a higher quality and healthier life.
For investorsSeerlinq is a non-invasive system for hemodynamic monitoring of heart filling pressures in a home environment. It operates based on the analysis of the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG). The service is available to all patients with heart failure anywhere in Slovakia, and it does not require any extra work from the doctor. The Seerlinq team handles the sending of the device, training of the patient, technical support, and monitoring. The service is free for patients with heart failure.
Explore the informational material for doctors: Informational Material
Since its implementation, the telemedicine service has successfully prevented hospitalizations. We regularly present cases from clinical practice at international conferences. Check out the case studies:
This case report was successfully
presented at
This case report was successfully
presented at
This case report was successfully
presented at
If you are interested in the Seerlinq telemedicine service for your practice, we would be happy to discuss collaboration opportunities with you. You can contact us at +421 950 721 660 or via email at
If you have further questions, don't hesitate to write or call us.